Update on Mustafa’s Family

Good news! All the members of Mustafa’s immediate family are now safely in Egypt.

Mustafa's brother in his thank you email wrote:  

"For 192 days, members of our immediate family lived without electricity, without clean drinking water, without proper shelter, enduring harsh weather conditions, malnutrition, and infectious diseases. Your generous contributions played a crucial role in saving their lives. Without your donations and the outpouring of love and empathy, we would not have been able to evacuate them from Gaza.

The timing of your support was crucial in saving more than 14 lives of my family. Your compassion and swift action in collecting donations were like a lifeline for our family. There are no words or expressions that can adequately convey the depth of my gratitude for your support, not only during this difficult time but also when my brother Mustafa and I first arrived in Canada in 2017. Back then, your assistance helped us start our new lives."

We are hoping to have Mustafa and Mahmoud come to one of our Sunday services so you can meet them. 


To learn more about the refugee work happening at the church, please visit the Refugee Support Webpage.


Reflections by Rev. Grant Dawson


McDougall is hosting the Chinook Region Annual Meeting: Can You Help?