Reflections by Rev. Grant Dawson

Some thoughts on hanging in there

Some of the most difficult decisions we find ourselves making are those involved in whether to stick with something or to give up on it.

I’ve always wanted to paint. But I have now taken three art courses and spend hundreds of dollars on supplies, and my 5 year old grandson can draw better than I can.

This committee is trying to do something worthwhile, but really doesn’t seem to accomplish anything.

I tried to fix the back deck all last summer. Should I go on struggling with it this year?

We don’t like being seen as quitters, but we don’t enjoy wasting time either.

There are no easy answers in situations like these, but there is one step that often leads to sound decisions. And that step involves sitting down with the friends God has given us, and asking the difficult questions and reflecting on the honest answers.

Friends can give us a new perspective that may make decisions easier to arrive at. Drawing on their own similar experiences, they may be able to show us different paths to follow, unthought of solutions to explore, or entirely new projects to tackle. 

Yes, the final decisions are always ours. But that sense of concern and support that friends can offer can remind us that we do not walk alone. And just knowing they are there and rooting for us can make all we do a lot easier. 


A Prayer 

Living Spirit, I’m really not sure what to do.

What paths have I not taken? What alternatives are there? What advice have I not followed?

Is this course of action invigorating me with challenge or draining me with fatigue?

Who can I talk to about this? Who can I allow to help me?

Give me faith strong enough to do something.



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