Acadia Pantry Fundraiser

On behalf of Outreach and Social Justice:

Acadia Food Pantry (AFP) is a community organization funded by donations and grants.  It is operated by volunteers from local churches, community groups and service organizations.

As you are likely aware McDougall United is one of the supporting Churches.  We hold the Pantry on the 3rd Tuesday of each month.  

When AFP started 5 years ago they served 20-30 families.  Currently, this number is 70.

In preparation,  it is necessary for volunteers to organize required inventory, accept deliveries and prepare delivery hampers for the following week.  

On the day of the Pantry more food items, including perishable goods, are delivered to the Church.  All of the items organized the prior week and these are brought upstairs from the storage room and delivered to Hospitality Hall to be set up.

Please join us on April 21, 2024 after service for a fundraiser.  During service we will have Donna Gordon, Viviana Reinberg, and McDougall volunteer(s) speak about the importance of this ongoing work.

All items are needed but for this event in addition to our money/monthly donor fundraiser we ask, if you are able to donate non perishable proteins. This includes peanut butter and.canned meats (tuna, ham, chicken).  These can be brought on April 7, 14 and 21.

Marilyn Bates will be there to collect your items.

To learn more about the Acadia Pantry, please visit the Acadia Pantry webpage.


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